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A vehicle on the Texture Platform is a car, truck, or other vehicle that is electric or plug-in hybrid. We support a variety of vehicle manufacturers and models, and are always adding more.

We do not support any ICE (internal combustion engine) aka gasoline-powered vehicles since we are an electric energy management platform.

Supported Vehicle Models

For the list of vehicle models we currently support on the Texture Platform, see the Supported Devices page. We are always adding support for more so if you see a vehicle that you would like to see on platform, please contact us and let us know.

Vehicle Data Model

Below is a sample payload from a vehicle on the Texture Platform. This happens to be a Tesla Model Y:

"id": "cltqavafq02cb10ua7o4joo4q",
"type": "vehicle",
"manufacturerDeviceId": "1493084953679313",
"serialNumber": "1493084953679313",
"manufacturer": "tesla",
"model": "tesla_model_y",
"modelYear": null,
"availableCommands": [{
"slug": "vehicle:set-charge-limit",
"description": "Sets the vehicle charge limit."
}, {
"slug": "vehicle:set-operating-mode",
"description": "Sets the operating mode of the vehicle."
"state": {
"id": "clu19sheu024213yldjtpbtit",
"charge": null,
"chargingState": "discharging",
"chargePercentage": 57,
"chargeCompletionDate": null,
"chargeCompletedAt": "2024-03-21T13:30:23.833Z",
"chargeLimit": 80,
"isPluggedIn": false,
"chargerVoltage": 2,
"chargerCurrent": 0,
"chargerWattage": 0,
"range": 169,
"latitude": 39.988509,
"longitude": -104.983243,
"createdAt": "2024-03-21T13:30:27.750Z"
"name": "Gertie",
"tags": [],
"referenceId": "79f380ec-241c-5193-8473-faf40a29939b"

First I'll break down all of the fields in the root of the vehicle object:

  • id - a unique identifier that Texture assigns to the vehicle
  • type - the type of device, in this case, a vehicle
  • manufacturerDeviceId - the unique identifier that the manufacturer assigns to the vehicle
  • serialNumber - the serial number of the vehicle (for a vehicle this is generally the VIN number)
  • manufacturer - the manufacturer of the vehicle
  • model - the model of the vehicle
  • modelYear - the year the vehicle was manufactured (note this may be null for some manufacturers that do not currently expose this information via API)
  • availableCommands - the commands that are available to send to the vehicle
  • state - the current state of the vehicle (see below for details)
  • name - the name of the vehicle that the user has assigned with the manufacturer, if any (optional)
  • tags - the tags that are associated with the vehicle that you provided during the connection process to help group devices (optional)
  • referenceId - the reference ID of the vehicle, something you provide to identify this customer/device

Next, I'll break down each field in the state object in detail below:

  • id - a unique identifier that Texture assigns to the state update
  • charge - the current charge of the vehicle in watt-hours (Wh). This is the total amount of energy stored in the vehicle's battery.
  • chargingState - the current charging state of the vehicle. Possible values are charging, discharging, idle, unknown indicating whether the vehicle is charging, discharging, idle, or an unknown state respectively.
  • chargePercentage - the current charge of the vehicle as a percentage of the total battery capacity
  • chargeCompletionDate - the date and time that the vehicle is expected to be fully charged -- null if the vehicle is not currently charging
  • chargeCompletedAt - the date and time that the vehicle was last fully charged
  • chargeLimit - the maximum charge limit of the vehicle as a percentage of the total battery capacity that the vehicle will charge to, in the example above the vehicle will only charge to 80% of its total capacity but no higher
  • isPluggedIn - whether the vehicle is currently plugged in or not
  • chargerVoltage - the voltage of the charger in volts (V)
  • chargerCurrent - the current of the charger in amperes (A)
  • chargerWattage - the power of the charger in watts (W)
  • range - the estimated range of the vehicle in miles
  • latitude - the latitude of the vehicle's last known location
  • longitude - the longitude of the vehicle's last known location
  • createdAt - the date the state update was created in ISO 8601 format