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Signing Up

Step 1: Create your account

Register your account with a company or entity specific email address. We strongly recommend avoiding the use of personal email addresses. This helps us create a more secure experience and support associating you with your Organization.

Sign Up Screenshot

Step 2: Verify your email

To ensure that you are not a bad actor, please check your inbox and verify your email address before creating or joining an organization.

Email Verification Screenshot

Step 3: Create a profile

Our onboarding flow allows you to add your personal details and set your preferred timezone and metrics. Visit the Settings > User Profile anytime to make adjustments.

Profile Screenshot

Add your personal information

Set Timezone Screenshot

Set your preferred settings

Set Profile Screenshot

Add a profile picture or change your preferences any time in the Settings tab

Step 4: Create an Organization

All new users are given a default Personal organization. This is a great place to create multiple test Workspaces, but is not intended to house Company information or production data. We recommend creating or joining a Company organization for production.

On the Texture platform, an Organization is generally a company or some other kind of entity that you work for and which has other Members from your team on it.

To create a new Organization, click your avatar and + Create organization. Visit the Settings > Organization anytime to make adjustments.

Create An Organization Screenshot

You will be asked a series of questions to set your Company preferences.

Create Org Questions Screenshot

Step 5: Create a workspace

Within your Organization you will create specific Workspaces to manage different environments. These workspaces will also house your specific Server (Private) and Connect (Public) API keys.

For example, you might have a Workspace for production, staging, and development. Or you may have a Workspace for each member of your team, so everyone can have their own sandbox.

To create a new Workspace, navigate to the Dashboard and find the + Add workspace. Name your Workspace whatever you'd like then click Create. You'll see the new Workspace populate on the menu. You can use the dropdown menu to navigate between the various Workspaces.

Workspace Configuration Screenshot

Step 6: Invite your team

Adding your team to Texture will be important for full energy network visibility. You can add team members from the Dashboard through the Invite a Member button or from Settings > Organization > Members

From this page, you will see a button to Invite Team Member. Simply add their company issued email address that matches your Organization and click Invite.

The invited member will receive an email with instructions to set up their account.

Team Invitation Process

That’s it! Now you are ready to access Texture’s API and start integration our API Keys into your system. If you run into any issues during our platform onboarding, please reach out to our team here.