Enrollments represent a user's participation in a specific program instance within the platform. They track a customer's eligibility and participation status in a particular program, allowing organizations to manage participants, track enrollment status, and maintain enrollment-related data.
Core Concepts
What is an Enrollment?
An enrollment is a record that connects a customer to a specific program instance. It contains:
- Customer identification information
- Program participation details
- Eligibility status
- Contact and location information
- Tracking metadata
Enrollment Statuses
Enrollments follow a defined workflow with these statuses:
Status | Description |
candidate | Initial state for potential enrollees; customer has been identified as a potential program participant but not yet evaluated |
eligible | Customer meets all program requirements and can proceed with enrollment |
ineligible | Customer does not meet program requirements due to location, device ownership, or other criteria |
submitted | Customer has completed enrollment application and it's awaiting review |
approved | Enrollment has been reviewed and accepted into the program |
rejected | Enrollment has been reviewed and denied program participation |
unenrolled | Customer was previously enrolled but has voluntarily or involuntarily exited the program |
Enrollment Status Flow
The typical progression of an enrollment follows this path:
- Candidate → Initial state when a potential participant is identified
- Eligibility Check → System or manual evaluation of program requirements
- If requirements met → Eligible
- If requirements not met → Ineligible (process stops)
- Eligible → Customer completes enrollment process → Submitted
- Submitted → Program administrator review
- If approved → Approved (active participation begins)
- If rejected → Rejected (process stops)
- Approved → If customer leaves program → Unenrolled
Eligibility Reasons
The eligibilityReason
field provides context for the current status:
- For Eligible status: May include qualifying factors like "Has solar installation" or "In service territory"
- For Ineligible status: Explains disqualifying factors like "Outside service area" or "Incompatible equipment"
- For Rejected status: May include reasons like "Failed verification" or "Incomplete information"
Identification Types
Enrollments can be created using four different identification methods:
- leadId: For new leads with an existing lead ID
- customerId: For existing customers
- enrollmentId: For updating existing enrollments, often to re-enroll in a program the following year
- customerInfo: For new enrollments with customer details (name, email, etc.)
We require one of these identification methods and each identification method alters the information we need. For example if you are supplying a customerId
you do not need to send us first/last/email because those are required fields on the Customer and so we already have those.
Providing customerInfo
basically means you are providing all identifiable information in this request.
Data Model
An Enrollment record contains:
interface Enrollment {
id: string; // Unique identifier
identificationType: string; // Type of ID (leadId, customerId, etc.)
programInstanceId: string; // Associated program instance ID
address?: Address; // Customer's address
phone?: string; // Contact phone number
manufacturerSlugs?: string[]; // Associated device manufacturers
metadata?: Record<string, any>; // Arbitrary data for program needs
serialNumber?: string; // Device serial number
referenceId?: string; // External reference ID
referenceDescription?: string; // Description for the reference
tags?: string[]; // Categorization tags
enrollmentStartDate?: Date; // Start date if approved
eligibilityStatus: string; // Current status
eligibilityReason?: string; // Explanation of status
leadId?: string; // Lead ID if applicable
customerId?: string; // Customer ID if applicable
enrollmentId?: string; // Enrollment ID if applicable
firstName?: string; // Customer's first name
lastName?: string; // Customer's last name
email?: string; // Customer's email
Status Transition Rules
The following business rules govern enrollment status transitions:
- Only Eligible enrollments can be moved to Submitted
- Only Submitted enrollments can be Approved or Rejected
- Only Approved enrollments can be Unenrolled
- Rejected and Ineligible are terminal states (unless enrollment criteria change)
- Status changes may trigger notifications to customers and program administrators
API Access
Enrollments can be accessed and managed through REST API endpoints.
REST API Endpoints
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/enrollments/{enrollmentId} | GET | Retrieve a specific enrollment |
/enrollments/{enrollmentId} | DELETE | Delete an enrollment |
/programInstances/{instanceId}/enrollments | GET | List enrollments for a program instance |
/programInstances/{instanceId}/enrollments | POST | Create enrollment for a program instance |
Authentication & Authorization
All enrollment endpoints require authentication with either:
- An API key
- A scoped key with appropriate permissions
Access is restricted to enrollments within the authenticated user's workspace.
Related Concepts
Enrollments are part of a hierarchical relationship:
- Program: Top-level concept representing a general program offering (e.g., a utility rebate program)
- ProgramInstance: A program instance within a specific workspace (organization context). See Program Instances for more details.
- Enrollment: A customer's participation in a specific Program Instance
Implementation Details
The Enrollment feature is implemented across different layers:
- Domain Layer: Core business logic, database interactions, and data validation
- API Layer: REST endpoints with OpenAPI documentation
Usage Examples
Program Instance ID
The programInstanceId
(shown as cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo
in the examples below) is a unique identifier for a specific program instance. This ID is crucial as it:
- Links enrollments to their parent program instance
- Serves as a required parameter in API requests
- Enables filtering and organization of enrollments by program
- Maintains the hierarchical relationship between programs and enrollments
Program Instance IDs are generated as CUIDs (Collision-resistant Unique Identifiers) when a program instance is created, ensuring uniqueness across the platform.
For more information on Program Instances, including how to create them, see the Program Instances documentation.
Creating an Enrollment
To create an Enrollment, you must first have created a Program Instance.
Then once you have that Program Instance you can enroll a customer as follows:
// Example POST request to /programInstances/cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo/enrollments
const enrollmentData = {
identificationType: "customerInfo",
firstName: "Suzie",
lastName: "Homeowner",
email: "suzie.homeowner@example.com",
phone: "+1234567890",
address: {
streetOne: "123 Main St",
streetTwo: "Apt 4B",
city: "New York",
state: "NY",
postalCode: "10001",
country: "USA"
manufacturerSlugs: ["tesla", "enphase"],
serialNumber: "1234567890",
referenceId: "1234567890",
referenceDescription: "Tesla Grid Services id.",
tags: ["tag1", "tag2"]
Retrieving Enrollments
// Example GET request to /programInstances/cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo/enrollments
// Returns paginated list of enrollments for the program instance
// Sample response:
"data": [
"id": "cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo",
"leadId": "cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo",
"customerId": "cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo",
"firstName": "Suzie",
"lastName": "Homeowner",
"email": "suzie.homeowner@example.com",
"phone": "+1234567890",
"manufacturerSlugs": [
"meta": {
"property1": null,
"property2": null
"serialNumber": "1234567890",
"referenceId": "1234567890",
"referenceDescription": "Tesla Grid Services id.",
"programInstanceId": "cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo",
"enrollmentStartDate": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"tags": [
"address": {
"streetOne": "123 Main St",
"streetTwo": "Apt 4B",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "10001",
"country": "USA"
"eligibility": {
"status": "candidate",
"reason": "The customer is already enrolled in another program.",
"programInstanceId": "cllgn0u4r000008l7eazybfbo"
"page": 0,
"perPage": 0,
"totalItems": 0,
"totalPages": 0
Event System
The platform tracks enrollment lifecycle events:
- When a new enrollment is createdenrollment.updated
- When an enrollment's status or data changesenrollment.status_changed
- When an enrollment moves to a new status
These events can be used by other systems to react to enrollment changes.
Common Use Cases
Program Eligibility Screening
- Bulk import of Candidate enrollments
- Automated evaluation to Eligible or Ineligible
- Notification to eligible customers
Customer Self-Enrollment
- Customer completes enrollment form
- Status set to Submitted
- Program administrator reviews and sets to Approved or Rejected
Program Exit Processing
- Change status to Unenrolled
- Update metadata with exit reason
- Trigger any program exit workflows