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A charger on the Texture Platform is an electric vehicle charger. We support a variety of charger manufacturers and models, and are always adding more.

Supported Chargers

For the list of vehicle models we currently support on the Texture Platform, see the Supported Devices page. We are always adding support for more so if you see a charger that you would like to see on platform, please contact us and let us know.

Charger Data Model

Below is a sample payload from a charger on the Texture Platform. This happens to be an EnelX JuiceBox:

"id": "clu1bux2r028i13yldndeaqrx",
"availableCommands": [
"slug": "charger:set-operating-mode",
"description": "Sets the operating mode of the charger."
"manufacturer": "enelx",
"model": "enelx:juicebox",
"modelYear": null,
"name": "garage",
"referenceId": "dadsas",
"serialNumber": "0910042001280644380223649652",
"state": {
"id": "clxdkewjh00b3wxgs4iewglc8",
"chargingState": "discharging",
"isPluggedIn": true,
"chargerVoltage": 22,
"chargerCurrent": 51,
"chargerWattage": 7563,
"createdAt": "2024-06-13T18:00:03.025Z"
"tags": [],
"type": "charger",
"createdAt": "2024-03-21T14:28:20.580Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-06-13T18:00:03.025Z"

First I'll break down all of the fields in the root of the thermostat object:

  • id - a unique identifier that Texture assigns to the charger
  • type - the type of device, in this case, a charger
  • serialNumber - the serial number of the device
  • manufacturer - the manufacturer of the device
  • model - the model of the device
  • availableCommands - the commands that are available to send to the charger
  • state - the current state of the charger (see below for details)
  • name - the name of the charger that the user has assigned with the manufacturer, if any (optional)
  • tags - the tags that are associated with the charger that you provided during the connection process to help group devices (optional)
  • referenceId - the customer reference ID of the charger, something you provide to identify this customer

Next, I'll break down each field in the state object in detail below:

  • id - a unique identifier that Texture assigns to the state update
  • chargingState - the current charging state of the charger. Possible values are charging, discharging, idle, unknown indicating whether the charger is charging, discharging, idle, or an unknown state respectively.
  • isPluggedIn - whether the a vehicle is currently plugged in to the charger or not
  • chargerVoltage - the voltage of the charger in volts (V)
  • chargerCurrent - the current of the charger in amperes (A)
  • chargerWattage - the power of the charger in watts (W)
  • createdAt - the date the state update was created in ISO 8601 format